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Asia Art of Cuisine Society
Asia Art of Cuisine Society(AOC), our goal is to gather all the professionals from the catering industry to join the elite groups, including food and beverage managers, senior executives, executive chefs and industry experts and so on professionals. Through mutual communication, rich industry knowledge exchange and resource sharing, to create higher values and performance for the industry to effectively promote and play an interactive industry spirit.
亞洲餐飲廚藝協會,目標是從酒店及餐飲業中挑選行內精英加入團體,包括: 餐飲經營管理者﹑高級行政人員﹑行政總廚及行業專家等等之專業人士。通過互相溝通﹑同業豐富知識交流及資源共享,另職業質素提升,為同業創造更高之價值,有效推廣及發揮互動行業的精神,並能促進餐飲廚藝之良性發展。
Wonderful review

Wonderful review
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