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Le Soleil

3/F, The Royal Garden, 69 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

+852 2733 2033

Hong Kong


Le Soleil
A Hong Kong branch of the popular award-winning San Francisco restaurant. Located on The Royal Garden’s third floor mezzanine level and overlooking the atrium's greenery and water features, Le Soleil offers Vietnamese cuisine with a touch of Asian-fusion. It offers a medley of tastes and flavors. Open daily for lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
LE SOLEIL餐廳位於帝苑酒店3樓,可俯瞰空中花園的翠綠景致及噴泉,為食客提供融合法國風味的越南美食,帶來多元化的味覺享受。每日開放午市,下午茶及晚市。

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