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Madame Fù

3rd Floor, Barrack Block, Tai Kwun, No. 10 Hollywood Road, Central District, Hong Kong

+852 2114 2118

Hong Kong


Madame Fù
Madame Fù is a beautiful contemporary Chinese restaurant located in the fabulous 1880's colonial building in the Tai Kwun heritage compound. Spanning across the entire 3rd floor of the old police headquarters, Madame Fù offers a unique dining space in an artistic ambience. You can either relax in the Verandah overlooking the Parade Ground, or select one of the other six dining rooms to experience our range of delicious signature dishes, including Chinese dim sum, the amazing truffle chicken, western desserts and afternoon teas.
Madame Fú 是位於前中區警署營房大樓之頂樓, 是一家集中餐廳,豪華酒吧和私人晚宴於一體的特色餐廳。我們為客人帶來舊香港殖民地時期和舊巴黎咖啡館的氣氛和體驗。我們提供精美的食物,奢華的現代藝術及細緻的服務。 我們供應精緻的粵菜,還有來自北方省份的招牌菜。菜式包括當地最受歡迎的點心,下午茶和精美的西式甜品。 我們誠邀閣下來到這個由女性魅力,領導力,創造力為靈感,并具有歷史感的 Madame Fú 餐廳。歡迎你來享受美妙的音樂和品嚐我們精緻的中菜及美食。

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