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Modern China Restaurants 金滿庭京川滬菜館
Modern China Restaurant – Deeply rooted in Shanghai, Beijing and Sichuan Cuisine. In 2002, Gary Kam established Modern China Restaurant with a clear mission: to offer Hong Kongers the piquant flavours of Shanghai, Beijing and Sichuan cuisine at the most affordable price.
金滿庭 源自上海的味道
金先生於2002年,創立香港首間糅合京菜、川菜和上海菜的京川滬菜館 - 金滿庭,旨在以「大眾化的價錢,提供高質素的京川滬地道美食」,把那他一直回味及追尋的京川滬美饌帶到香港,跟香港人分享那令人一試難忘的味道。
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