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Sang Kee Restaurant 生記飯店

1-2/F, Hip Sang Building, 107-115 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai

+852 2575 2236

Hong Kong


Sang Kee Restaurant 生記飯店
生記飯店連續8年米芝蓮推介餐廳 , 70年代開始生記帶領一班忠心團隊致力保存香港懷舊口味不斷發掘新鮮材料,保持獅子山下親情嘅味道。 放棄奢華裝飾細緻餐具,將成本投放在食材裏面,無論來嚐一碟家常小炒還是點時令海鮮,我們希望每一位客人都得到最真實香港人的口味及人情味。 舊年是生記45週年現任掌舵人黃立仁先生係第二代,依然不斷發掘懷舊菜式承傳黃媽媽營商成功之道,保持懷舊口味之餘更提高菜式食材質素。 團隊堅持每天到街市選購最新鮮的食材,能夠帶給每一位客人享受到回家吃飯的感覺。
Having stood here proudly for over 45 years, Sang Kee is a true symbol of Wan Chai and remains refreshingly impervious to modernisation. The owner insists on buying the seafood herself each day and the Cantonese dishes are prepared using traditional methods. You’ll find yourself thinking about their classic dishes like fried snapper, fried minced pork with cuttlefish, and braised fish with bitter melon long after you’ve sampled them.

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