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The 8

2/F, Grand de Lisboa Macau, Avenida De Lisboa, Praia

+853 8803 7788



The 8
has been awarded 3 Michelin stars for 8 consecutive years, with its lavish interior design. The 8 is an intimate Restaurant offering contemporary Chinese cuisine. Experience classic dining with a uniquely elegant and creative touch. Discerning Diners can choose from over 40 kinds of dim sum lunch. Private rooms are available for gathering and celebrations.
澳門唯一連續八年榮獲《米芝蓮指南 香港 澳門》頒發三星榮譽的高級中國菜食府,「8 餐廳」主打精緻點心及名貴新派廣東菜。餐廳巧妙地把寓意活力十足的金魚和象徵吉祥富貴的「8」字融匯在其室內設計中,氣派獨特而又極富傳統中國特色。餐廳提供的菜式種類多不勝數,主廚擅以各地新鮮食材,配搭出創新口味。中午推出的創意點心更多達四十餘款,讓賓客盡情享受既優雅又富有創意的美食體驗。「8餐廳」為深諳美食之道的賓客供應佳釀,酒窖內收藏超過17,000款各國名酒。

 23013188 | Flat01, 14/F Fonda Iudustrial Building,37-39 Au Pui Wan Street,Shatin,HK

©2021 by Asia Art of Cuisine Society.

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