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5/F Mira Place, 118-130 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

+852 2315 5999

Hong Kong


Located in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, WHISK is an innovative French-Japanese restaurant which specializes in ingredient-driven dishes created with premium produce from around the world, served within modern setting and laid-back ambience of a hip hotel. Expert French cooking techniques infused with hand-selected Japanese ingredients are whisked into mouth-watering Omakase menus inspired by seasons, paired effortlessly by the restaurant’s sommelier with the Wine Spectator-awarded wine selection. The restaurant has been consistently recommended within the MICHELIN Guide Hong Kong & Macau since 2011 and it was distinguished with “The Plate” in its latest edition.
Highest pedigree produce - predominantly from the farmers and growers of Japan - finds its way to WHISK’s Kitchen where it’s cooked using time-honoured craft cooking techniques such as aging and fermentation while all live seafood is carefully handled with ikejime technique for the ultimate freshness and flavor. Dining experience may include minimalistic plates of marbled Ozaki Wagyu from Miyazaki, available in just a handful of restaurants in Hong Kong; Murasaki Uni in velvety cauliflower blanc-mange hidden under a layer of French Farmed Caviar; crunchy but chewy Soja bread following an original recipe while luxuriant beef from the Parisian cult butcher Alexandre Polmard also appears on the menu.
A well-structured, yet eclectic list of nearly 400 wines and sake, awarded with the “Best of Award of Excellence” by the Wine Spectator (2020) whose experts recognised its strength in Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Old World wines, completes the weekday dining experience. WHISK’s premium Sunday brunch is an upbeat celebration of the weekend that has earned the status of one of the best in Hong Kong with a Sunday omakase selection that can be upgraded with unlimited fresh French oysters and free-flowing champagne. Weekend brunch is best enjoyed in the al fresco setting of adjacent lounge Vibes in the cooler months of the year.
位處尖沙咀核心的WHISK,薈萃法日創意饗宴精髓,從世界各地搜羅頂級食材入饌,於型格酒店的悠閒氛圍,為饕客締造無與倫比的味覺體驗。融合非凡法式烹調技巧及精心挑選日本食材,締造糅合時令變化的Omakase主廚料理,與屢獲Wine Spectator殊榮的酒單成就天依無縫的完美配對;WHISK自2011年榮獲米芝蓮香港及澳門推薦,並於2020年獲頒米芝蓮餐盤殊榮。
源自日本物產富裕的農場,匯聚頂級食材及最優質的田園瑰寶,從農夫手上來到WHISK廚房,銳變成璀璨耀目的菜餚。超凡工匠藝術饗宴為您呈獻揉合當代法國及日本菜餚的絕密技法。從精巧細緻的(ikejime)活締技術,到提昇肉質及濃郁鮮味的昆布漬(kobujime昆布締め) 及熟成(ageing)過程,以至將食材完全進化銳變的發酵(fermentation)處理,WHISK每道別具一格的菜餚都淋漓演繹主廚別出心裁的非凡概念,以及獨具一格的精湛廚藝。
逾400款包括布根地、波爾多及舊世界不拘一格的醇選擇,令WHISK勇奪Wine Spectator 2019年「Best of Award of Excellence」殊榮。賓客可於工作後前臨WHISK享受輕鬆的用餐時刻,或於週末體驗半自助早午餐,締造一趟歡愉輕快的用餐享受;陶醉於琳琅滿目的精緻自助美饌,餐廳更供應新鮮空運生蠔、烤龍蝦、來自各國的芝士選擇,以及多款誘人滋味的甜點專櫃。精緻主菜即點即製,不時更新。要享受與眾不同的週日早午自助餐,萬勿錯過大廚即席烤製專區,配以源源不絕的極致香檳及即調雞尾酒,必定令您一試難忘﹗WHISK可連接茂綠緬梔樹交織的露天酒廊Vibes,讓賓客享受露天餐飲滋味。毗連餐廳的時尚酒廊– decanter at WHISK – 採用Coravin免開瓶取酒系統,提供20款杯裝優質佳釀選擇,讓賓客品嚐由WHISK廚房烹調的精緻嚐味小食或輕怡晚餐。

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