The Best of the Best
Recommendation Restaurant

THE BEST OF THE BEST MASTERCHEF Recommendation Restaurant was first launched by AOC in 2012, thanks to more than hundred culinary experts, as well as the stringent assessment, it reflected the diversity of the world's culinary landscape. The shortlist of BOBM provides some of the best destinations for unique culinary experiences, and the annual ceremony creates a fantastic opportunity to bring an incredible community of chefs together from around the world.
亞洲推介餐廳 (BOBM) 首次是在2012 年由 AOC 舉辦,THE BEST OF THE BEST MASTERCHEF Recommendation Restaurant (BOBM) 的提名名單反映了餐飲界的多樣性,包含各式餐廳的獨特性、每年的頒獎典禮更成為是世界各地廚師匯聚翹楚的國際交流平台。
The program is a quality catering stamp certification.
Program purposes:
i) Assist customers to identify “The best of the best Masterchef Recommendation Restaurant service provider;
ii) Approved merchants have met the catering service and environmental quality standards stipulated in The best of the best Masterchef Recommendation Restaurant;
iii) Assist service providers to conduct self-evaluation and let them understand the shortcomings in order to continuously improve;
iv) Enhance the capabilities of all service providers and promote the promotion and development of the catering industry;
v) Raising the level of Hong Kong's
catering industry has allowed the reputation of "Asian Food Paradise" to continue.
i) 協助顧客識別 The best of the best Masterchef Recommendation Restaurant 服務供應商;
ii) 認可商戶已符合在 The best of the best Masterchef Recommendation Restaurant 規定內的飲食服務及環境質量標準;
iii) 協助服務供應商進行自我評估金並確定績效不足的領域,以便不斷進行改進;
iv) 增強所有服務供應商的能力,帶動飲食業提升及發展;
v) 提升香港飲食業水平,讓“亞洲美食天堂”之美譽得以延續。

Applicants must hold a valid food business licence issued by FEHD
Operating for more than one year
If the business is less than one year, Please provide commended dishes or restaurant information for review
No complaints or any major accidents in last 12 months: Consumer Council /Food and Environmental Hygiene Department / Mainstream Media / Tourism Bureau
The participating restaurants must according all of the basic requirements. The judge will make a review and final decision. Successful restaurant will be notified within two weeks of registration.
提名或參與食肆須符合所有基本條件。大會將作出評審和最終決定; 成功申請之餐廳將於報名後兩星期內接獲通知