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Culinary Exchange From its inception as in Nanhai and Hong Kong in 2007, In celebration of the tenth time has been held around the Asia, this year we invite over 50 hotels and countries and territories pledged to participate in this event.

Culinary Exchange is a mega event aims at promoting culinary excellence, skills and abilities of chefs. the most optimum stage to perform gorgeous talents, meanwhile, to gain experience and enhance communication with the regional culinary community. It bringing together the leading chefs from Asia with the purpose of exchanging the culinary art.

活動形式 details
主題:真之味 theme: taste of origin

每隊需於指定時間內 (90 分鐘),現場進行製作和菜色烹調,並由評審團進行試食及評審; 
Each team must prepare and present within 90 minutes;

派出參賽地區由南海、番禺、順德、香港、澳門、臺灣、及亞洲各國派出 6 位廚師組隊以團隊形式參加,共十個隊。
Participants were split into ten teams of six, each team comprise 1 team captain, total 6 chefs, total with ten teams;

現場設 12 個比賽爐頭,經抽籤後每隊使用1組爐頭; 
One induction stove tops provided by organizer to be used. 

菜式規格 Entry details and requirements
菜式能展現中華料理飲食文化特色,並具一定創意 ;

每隊分別製作 Each serving should included :  
□  頭盤     Appetizer
□  湯     Soup
□  熱葷 – 家禽 / 蔬菜     Hot - Poultry or Vegetable  
□  熱葷 – 海鮮 (由大會提供)     Hot - seafood (each team received a black box containing identical ingredients)
□  主食 - 粥 / 粉/ 面 / 飯(任擇其一)     Main - Congee or Noodle or Rice
□  甜品  (糕點或糖水)     Dessert 


Participant has to prepare the ingredients, garnishes & sauces. Total cost of ingredients should not exceed the specific amount .

每個團隊對 6 個廚師分工安排,每個廚師分別製作 1 個菜式,每款菜式均須製作分量如下:
Six (6) chefs including pastry chef & 5 chef & and team captain: 
一份    供展示及拍照片 (可選擇位上或碟上)

One platter for display 
五人份 供評審團試食評分(可選擇位上或碟上)  

One Platter for Five persons to give the jury tasting


獎項 certificates and awards
根據菜式的 ”色”、”香” 、”味” 、”形”在參加交流的菜道菜式中評選出團隊獎項及個人獎項
The respective medals and certificate of awards will be presented participant:

Team award 

•個人獎項 至尊金、金、銀、銅 
Individual award : distinction gold, gold, silver, bronze

•參賽証書 完成比賽的參賽者可獲頒參賽証書乙份
Every contestant completed the competition will be presented with a certificate, and the winner will be awarded with a trophy.

Full Chefs uniform, hat, shoes and apron are required during the ceremony. 


報名方法 Registration

Qualified participating chefs will be from restaurants, hotels and the related associations of Asia, or individual entries are also accepted. 


Organizer reserves the right and final decision to amend or deny the registration when the max. number quota has been reached. 


參賽費用 Qualified
*Overseas teams may seek help from the Organizer for hotel at special rate

主辦單位安排來回交通接送選手、領隊及選手往返機場 、酒店及比賽場地。如有其他同行者需要主辦單位安排交通接送往返機場至酒店,請提供同行者人數。
Free transportation pick up for competitors, leader at the Hong Kong International airport-Hotel-event location. If an additional pick up to the hotel is required, please provide the number of accompany. 


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