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Pak Loh Chiu Chow 百樂潮州

Shop 1002, 10/F, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

+852 2577 1163

Hong Kong


Pak Loh Chiu Chow百樂潮州
Pak Loh is a restaurant faithfully committed to Chiu Chow style of food made with the finest ingredients and one of the only restaurants serving award-winning handcrafted dishes. Persistent quality and creativity are the keys to success. Pak Loh strives to create the best experience for its clients through attention to decor, detail and quality service. Maintaining a consistently high standard of food is of utmost importance to the restaurant. Traditional and handcrafted dishes are presented in innovative ways; all made with the exceptional ingredients by chefs trained in classic Chiu Chow cuisine.
百樂潮州擁有五十年的歷史和經驗為整個香港和馬來西亞的本地和海外客人提供精美的潮州美食。現共有四間餐廳; 百樂潮州以其高水準的食物和服務質素聞名。
第一間百樂潮州於一九六七年在銅鑼灣希慎道開業並於往後開設其他分店, 包括九龍圓方店; K11店; 時代廣場店及 馬來西亞吉隆坡的 Starhill Gallery店。
百樂潮州以鹵水鵝, 各種海鮮如凍蟹,鮑魚,海螺;傳統的潮州點心和正宗潮州住家小菜馳名。

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